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  • Writer's pictureOleksiy

Lack of night vision resulted in death of the volunteer Hospitaller from Sweden

While driving at night, one of the Hospitallers' crews got into a terrible accident.

Evacuating the wounded from the war zone, a collision occurred between the Hospitallers' car and the infantry fighting vehicle, which was on the road at that moment. Unfortunately, our Hospitaller Niko died in this accident. He was a young man from Sweden who became a volunteer paramedic to save the lives of the wounded.

Swedish Hospitaller volunteer Niko

We continue our emergency fundraising to purchase nightvision equipment for Hospitallers. If the crew had such a device, the accident would be prevented.

These devices help drivers to see in the dark and protect paramedics. In the war zone, vehicles have to be driven with their headlights off so as not to attract attention.

Niko arrived in Ukraine on April 14 and promised to be with Hospitallers until the end. He was on fierce assignments that always went smoothly. Niko had masculinity, calmness, and poise in him.

After the accident, his condition got worse and he didn't survive. Two more Hospitallers from his crew are now being examined.

Eternal glory to people from outside Ukraine who give up their peaceful life, come to us and help us in every possible way.

Join our fundraising to reduce the risks of evacuating the wounded at night. Our goal is to purchase 30 monoculars, the total amount is £90,000.

Donations can be transferred to our JustGiving collection or to Bank account!

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