For more than 7 months Hospitallers have been saving lives. It wouldn't have been possible without your donations. We’re raising money on JustGiving and getting help from volunteers and charitable companies to supply Ukrainian paramedics with pickup trucks, ambulances, and medical equipment in the shortest period.
Special thanks to Andriy Mnih who created his own fundraiser for Hospitallers! Andriy timed it to the Independence Day of Ukraine, which was on August 24th. With the help of the UK organization Ukraine Charity, he planned to collect £8,000. However, thanks to people's incredible kindness and support, he raised even more — £20,000!
This money went to medicines, tourniquets and portable ultrasound devices Vscan Air CL and Butterfly IQ we mentioned in the previous post. They’re already being put to use to save hundreds of lives every day.
We’re grateful to everyone who supports Ukrainian paramedics not only financially, but with medical equipment and other supplies. Together we do great things to bring this war to the end!